30th International Conference on Chelation (ICOC) -
A Landmark on Chelation Science and Medicine

9th International Conference on Oncology and Anticancer Research (ICOAR)

12th International Conference on Recent Advances in Health and Medical Sciences (RAHMS)

Paphos, Cyprus: 4th October – 8th October, 2024



CLICK HERE to download the Preliminary Programme



* Dr Andronikou Anna-Maria (Nicosia, Cyprus)

“Bone marrow transplantation volunteers of 17-19 years in Cyprus during 2018-2023”


* Arsenijević Dejan, Jovanović Milena , Jurišić Vladimir, Šeklić Dragana ( Kragujevac, Serbia)

“Edible mushroom Laetiporus Sulphureus modulates the proapoptotic effect of probiotic Bifidobacterium Lactis promoting extrinsic apoptotic pathway in colorectal cancer cells”


* Dr Chrysostomou Michalis (Limassol, Cyprus)

“Innovations dealing with the treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy and other gynecological disorders”


*    Dr Chrysostomo Spyridakis (Limassol, Cyprus)

“ Ovarian rejuvenation using platelet rich plasma and stem cells”


* Dr Dharmasivam Mahendiran, Tharushi Wijesinghe, Richardson Des R (Brisbane, Australia)

“Cutting-edge thiosemicarbazone fine-tuning: enhanced anti-tumor properties with reduced side effects”


* Dr Dharmasivam Mahendiran, Stanley Zhang, Richardson Des R. (Brisbane, Australia)

“Structure-activity relationships of novel selenosemicarbazones: Identification of marked suppression of oxy-myoglobin oxidation with selective anti-tumor activity”


* Dr Demetriou Theodora (Paphos, Cyprus)

“New approaches and World Health Organization recommendations for the prevention and reduction of colorectal cancer”


* Dr Efstathiou Christos (Bochum, Germany)

"Multichannel, multiparameter cryoimmunehistochemistry (X-Cell) in fine needle aspiration" 


* Dr Efstathiou Litsa (Paphos, Cyprus)

“A preliminary study of the effect of cooking utensils on food consumption and health in the elderly”


* Dr Eliades Constantinos (Paphos, Cyprus)

“Prostate cancer – Screening, diagnosis and staging”


* Dr Evripidou Antri (Paphos, Cyprus)

“Dysplasia and cervical cancer during pregnancy”


* Dr Evripidou Iliada (Paphos, Cyprus)

“Cybersecurity risks in implantable medica ldevices: A policy proposal”

* Prof  Georgiades Savvas N (Nicosia, Cyprus)

“Development of a theranostic agent for epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase (EGFR): Ligation strategy for connecting a kinase inhibitor to a metal-based fluorescent probe”


* Dr Georgiades Christos (Nicosia, Cyprus)

“Advances in the clinical management of colorectal cancer’


* Dr Gu Wen, Wilkinson Nicole, Fillebeen Carine, Blackburn Darren, Sahinyan Korin, Bonneil Eric, Zhao Tao, Luo Zhi, Soleimani Vahab, Richard Vincent, Borchers Christoph H., Iliopoulos Othon, Sweeney Gary, Prof Pantopoulos Kostas (Montreal, Canada) 

“IRP1 deficiency triggers metabolic reprograming, increases insulin sensitivity and protects mice against metabolic syndrome pathologies”


* Ioannides Ioannis, Paschalidis Ioannis (Nicosia, Cyprus)

“Microplastics as secondary pollutants: Carriers of radionuclides in the human body”


* Prof Iriti Marcello, Vitalini Sara (Milan, Italy)

‘Flavonoids as adjuvants against non-communicable and communicable diseases’


* Prof Iriti Marcello, Vitalini Sara (Milan, Italy)

''Health-promoting effects of flavonoids against non-communicable diseases: Rutin'.


*  Prof Jurišić Vladimir ( Kragujevac, Serbia)

“New insights into natural killer cell research in cancer patients”


* Prof Jurišić Vladimir ( Kragujevac, Serbia)

“Effects of proinflammatory cytokines on the membrane of tumor cells in-vitro”


* Dr Katsarou Angeliki, Tsyplenkova Sofiya, Charlebois Edouard, Fillebeen Carine, Prof Pantopoulos Kostas  (Montreal, Canada)

 “Mechanistic insights on dietary iron absorption: the roles of hepcidin and transferrin”


* Dr Kaya Busra, Henry Smith, Yanbing Chen, Gholam Azad Mahan, Russell Tiffany M, Richardson Vera, Bernhardt Paul V, Dharmasivam Mahendiran, Richardson Des R. (Brisbane, Australia)

“Targeting lysosomes by design: novel N-acridine thiosemicarbazones that enable direct detection of intracellular drug localization and overcome p-glycoprotein (Pgp)-mediated resistance”


* Dr Kaya Busra, Henry Smith, Yanbing Chen, Mahan Gholam Azad, Tiffany M. Russell, Vera Richardson, Mahendiran Dharmasivam, Des R. Richardson (Brisbane, Australia)

“Innovative N-acridine thiosemicarbazones and their Zn(II) complexes transmetallate with Cu(II): redox activity and suppression of detrimental oxy-myoglobin oxidation.”


* Dr Kaya Busra, Azad Mahan G, Suleymanoglu Mediha, Harmer Jeffrey R, Wijesinghe Tharushi P, Richardson Vera, Zhao Xiao, Bernhardt Paul V, Dharmasivam Mahendiran, Richardson Des R. (Brisbane, Australia)

“Isosteric replacement of sulfur to selenium in a thiosemicarbazone: promotion of Zn(II) complex dissociation and transmetalation to augment anticancer efficacy”

* Dr Karaphyllidou Dora, Kolnagou Annita, Kleanthous Marios, Stephanou Niki, Neocleous Marina, Kontohiorghe Katia,  Kontoghiorghes G J (Paphos, Cyprus)

“The role of chronic aspirin administration on iron deficiency, colorectal and other cancers”


* Dr Kolnagou Annita, Karaphyllidou Dora, Stephanou Niki, Neocleous Marina, Kontohiorghe K,  Kontoghiorghes G J (Paphos, Cyprus)

“Deferiprone and maltol : Two similar in structure chelating drugs with opposite mode of clinical action in iron metabolism”


* Dr Kontoghiorghe Christina N, Kolnagou Annita, Efstathiou Litsa, Kleanthous Marios, Kontoghiorghes George J (London, UK)

“Post COVID-19 effects on health: How prepared are we for the next pandemic?”


* Prof Kontoghiorghes G J, Kolnagou Annita, Kleanthous Marios, Kontoghiorghe Christina N (Limassol and Paphos, Cyprus)

“Thirty international conferences on chelation and their impact in medicine: Improved treatments for millions of patients”


* Obradovic Jasmina, Jurišić Vladimir ( Kragujevac, Serbia)

 “Investigation of epidermal growth factor receptor variants in non-small cell lung cancer patients in Serbia”


* Dr Azad Mahan G, Hussaini Mohammed, Russell Tiffany M. , Richardson Vera, Kaya Busra, Dharmasivam Mahendiran, Richardson Des R.  (Brisbane, Australia)

“Dissecting the mechanisms of the interaction of NDRG1, β-catenin and protein kinase Cα (PKCa) to inhibit pancreatic cancer cell growth”


* Prof Richardson Des R. (Brisbane, Australia)

“Targeting the metastasis suppressor, NDRG1, to inhibit cancer metastasis: inhibition of the epithelial mesenchymal transition”


* Prof Richardson Des R. (Brisbane, Australia)

“Targeting iron and copper in cancer using novel pharmaceuticals: taming the “triad-of-death”


* Dr Selyutina Olga Yu., Ulyanova Maya, Chinak Olga A., Timoshnikov Viktor A, Fedenok Lidiya G., Polyakov Nikolay E, (Novosibirsk, Russia)

“Novel anthraquinone derivatives and their complexes with metal ions with potential anticancer activity”


* Dr Toumpanakis Dimitrios, Vassilakopoulou Vyronia, Mizi Eleftheria, Chatzianastasiou Athanasia, Richard Vincent, Borchers Christoph H., Mohammed Yassene, Fillebeen Carine, Vassilakopoulos Theodoros, Prof. Pantopoulos Kostas (Montreal, Canada)

“Iron regulatory protein 2 (IRP2) deficiency is protective against resistive breathing-induced pulmonary inflammation”